Sunday, July 02, 2006

Grimsly's Flight

A few days ago, on June 29, Grimsly embarked on his third solo flight in this Cessna 152:

This flight was a significant one because it was his last chance to pilot an airplane here, in Victoria. He will not give up flying entirely, of course, but it will most likely be difficult, in Berlin, to adapt to a different language and terminology, and to arrange flight lessons in such a heavily populated area.

Fortunately, conditions have been excellent lately (apart from the occasional crosswind), as can be seen in the following photos. All of the photos, by the way, were taken by Grimsly during his flight.

The plane's dashboard and instrument panel:

Note that there are two yokes (yokes being about the equivalent of steering wheels). One is for Grimsly (operated by his left hand), and the other would have been for the instructor, if he had come along.

Grimsly's view as he waited for a chance to take off:

No, the large airplane did not run over Grimsly. On the contrary, the pilot was friendly enough to wave as he passed.

Several photos that Grimsly took while in the air (you can see the airport's runways in the first photo):

Accounts of this flight and others can be found in Grimsly's flog (informal flight log).

Note: All of the above photos are hosted by flickr and edited using Adobe Photoshop.


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