Sunday, June 04, 2006

Proofreading Update

Since I began proofreading, the night before last, I have proofread eighty-eight pages. My current rank, based on the number of pages I've proofread, is 1355th. Lowly, indeed, but that will change! I am not tired yet, and I want to proofread another twelve pages before I go to sleep.

I continue to work on the Dumas novel (Création et rédemption, etc.), but not as much as before. Instead, I have proofread pages of Le roi Jean (a play by Shakespeare, translated into French) and Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (a math text from 1838).

Le roi Jean (King John in English) was engaging. I came in at about the point where young Arthur tries to escape from imprisonment by jumping off a wall. Arthur does not, unfortunately, survive the attempt, which leads to accusations of murder and plenty of fine (and not so fine) speeches by various noblemen. I proofread all of the remaining pages (excepting, perhaps, one or two), and followed the story with interest.

The other work, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, is a bit harder to follow. :o) There is actually a lot of repetition, which becomes rather dull after a while, and I don't understand most of the concepts. Oh, well. It's interesting to see the French terms and to get some exposure to the theorems and proofs outlined in the book.


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