Friday, June 02, 2006

Another Photo Post

This first photo was taken a while ago (mid-April or something of the sort). I went for a walk with my sister and took photos along the way. I like the old, gnarled wood and the green of the ivy.

The flower in this next photo is a red peony in our garden. I rather disapprove of peonies, actually. Flowers really shouldn't be so large and heavy unless they have a stem to match. Our pink peonies always seem to be lying on the ground unless we tie them up. Cruelty to plants!

This is our surviving bird house. The other one like it has, I think, fallen apart. Not surprising, considering that the bird houses are outside in all kinds of weather, and considering that they are at least two decades old. Beside the bird house is a rhododendron bush that is now past its prime.

The following photo depicts the club that I made a few years ago. I used my father's lathe to shape it, then I sanded the club and varnished it. The handle is too big, I know, and the club isn't quite straight. Oh well. As long as it fulfills its function . . . >:o)

Finally, a photo of the sun shining through the leaves of a horse chestnut tree. The corner of our little house is visible to the left, if you know where to look. :o)

Note: All of the above photos are hosted by flickr and edited using Adobe Photoshop.


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