Thursday, April 06, 2006


Ah, the joy of pompous titles and misused words . . .

I haven't finished my next serious post yet, but I want to post something before I finally go to sleep, so here is a short, pointless post.

First, three limericks:

There was once a man in Berlin
Who drank a whole bottle of gin.
So tipsy was he
That he chortled with glee
And danced jigs in the streets of Berlin.

There once lived an affable flea
Who liked drinking milk with hot tea.
When he once drank too much,
His reaction was such
That it killed the unfortunate flea.

There were once three ducks in a pond
Who of each other were exceedingly fond
'Till one day a bread crumb
Caused them all to become
The most bellicose rivals du monde.

Unfortunately, I have not yet mastered the art.

Now for a photo:


It was taken from the second floor of our house in the (early) morning after a light snowfall. The colours really were like that — blue, white and black.

The snow was interesting because it came unusually late in the year, and it fell in large flakes, rather like small feathers. I don't remember ever having seen snowflakes so big. But then, the weather in general was odd during that time (in mid-March). In the space of a week or two, there was sun, rain, snow, hail, and lightning (which came very close to our house). Pretty exciting at the time . . . :o)

Note: The as-yet half-finished post will come later today, along with a few others (if all goes well).


At 9:36 p.m., April 06, 2006, Blogger Gnomey said...

Food and drink seem to be on your mind. :-) I liked the limericks, but then again, I'm biased, I like all limericks.


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