Wednesday, October 07, 2009


It has become clear to me once again that there is nothing like weeks of inactivity to suck away one's confidence and spirit of enterprise.

I had planned to begin studying dutifully for my three Nachklausuren at the beginning of September. It is now October, one of the Nachklausuren has come and gone, and I have still done practically nothing. As things stand, I am inclined to resign myself to a mediocre second semester. Not a commendable approach, considering that I still have a chance to turn things around, but feeling guilty and gloomy does more harm than good anyway. I'd much prefer to concentrate on the coming semester, which promises to be more enjoyable and successful.

In any case, it was rather ridiculous of me to expect that I would actually study sensibly on my own (especially after the aforementioned weeks of inactivity). It would have been far better if I had arranged to meet with some classmates in order to go over the material together. Another good intention for next semester. :o)

By the way, another thing I had planned was to take part in a weeklong C++ course (which began this Monday). The idea was to get some ABV credits (ABV: Allgemeine Berufsvorbereitung or General Career Preparation), while expanding my knowledge of programming languages (I only really know Java and Haskell right now, which is pretty measly). At the last minute, I decided against participating, partly because I actually don't need the credits, but mainly due (again) to the weeks of inactivity. Oh well. Compared to the Nachklausuren, it is but a feather on my conscience (as it were).