Saturday, April 29, 2006

Back to the Drawing Board

It is the end of an Invasion here: At the end of this school year, we will be returning to Germany to live there. However, I doubt that this will mark the end of this blog; at most it will mark the founding of a new name. :-) Either way, we Germans still stand strong, and will continue sending posts of Politics and Photos. Who knows, many years later the invasion may return. Until I can speak German again, I, and my fellow Bloggers, I hope, will continue writing in English, and then we might go to translations, twice the posts. ;-) Also, more talk of German and European politics will no doubt be posted, but we'll try to put in the occasional post about the United States and Canada. Finally, depending on what computers we have in Germany, Dollars may become Euros, so in case this happens, a salute to money: $9,927,000,000 and $2,250,000,000, the aid donations of, respectively: The United States and Canada, 1999, with Germany in between at $6,818,000,000. (Information from Millennium(r) World Atlas, published by Rand McNally, for 2005 the charts say $27,457,000,000 USA, $9,915,000,000 Germany, and still in last: $3,731,000,000 Canada. These statistics, the most updated ones I could find, come from I may have read either of these charts wrong, but those are their numbers, and that's my tribute to dollars. :-)

A Note from tvhtoo: I beg to differ with my distinguished friend as to the state of our invasion. Since I consider it an invasion of the blogosphere (a slow invasion, for now), this invasion can and will only end when the blog is deleted. Its success is another matter. ;)

On a different note, I, like Gnomey, look forward to multilingual posts and to a new life in Germany. Unless I am gravely mistaken, the universities there are free for citizens like me. Excelente!


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