Sunday, April 02, 2006

Islam and Inexperience

I have been wondering whether my view of Islam is unrealistically positive, and whether I am too defensive about it. I have also been worrying about the fact that I have next to no actual exposure to Muslims, so it is highly presumptuous of me to discuss the religion and its followers as if I knew them intimitely. It is even worse to judge those who speak ill of Islam, considering that many of them probably know more about it than I do.

I wish I did know a greater variety of people. Growing up in this part of British Columbia has the disadvantage that a large percentage of people are white and are either Christian or follow no religion in particular. I can't really speak or write with credibility about religious or racial issues considering my lack of experience.

Oh well. It's not as if I'll stop writing about religious and racial issues. I suppose my inexperience is just something to keep in mind — something that will hopefully change with time.


At 6:28 p.m., April 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im an 3rd generation Australian christian who is half yugoslav and half Irish, my ex was a Dutch/English Budddhist. One of my best friends is a half Saudi/half indonesian muslim, and my other friend is half swedish/half vietnamese atheist. And my other friend is a australian/polish Jewish girl. My current girl is a hindu. If all of them have taught me one thing, its that we all have the same acceptance and values, but just different ways of expressing these fundaments. Unlearning what you know is the perfect place to start listening to people from diverse backgrounds.

At 12:53 a.m., April 03, 2006, Blogger tvhtoo said...

Thank you for your comment.

"If all of them have taught me one thing, its that we all have the same acceptance and values, but just different ways of expressing these fundaments."

The above is what I believe, too. I am glad that someone who has had exposure to people of all sorts of backgrounds and belief systems thinks the same.

As for what I know, I like the idea of being open, and of refining and correcting my knowledge. Unlearning it entirely might be a little much. :o)


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